Our Church

Welcome To MOUNTAIN OF CANAANLAND BIBLE CHURCH OF GOD INTERNATIONAL At Mountain Of Canaan Land Bible Church Of God International, our journey is rooted in a mission of spreading the gospel of salvation, healing, faith, deliverance, and giving. With a rich history spanning over several decades, we stand as a beacon of hope, offering genuine solutions through divine prophecies and touching lives with the power of God’s love.

Our Mission

Our purpose is to propagate the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through extraordinary miracles, authentic prophecies, and immediate solutions to diverse challenges. Guided by biblical principles and God’s grace, we strive to restore lives, bring hope to mankind, and showcase His sovereignty over humanity. Our mission aligns with scriptures such as Jeremiah 29:11-13 and II Thessalonians 2:16-17.


Mountain Of Canaan Land Bible Church Of God International was founded with a vision to impact lives through the transformative message of Christ’s love. Our church’s foundation is built upon the unwavering faith and dedication of our leadership team, including Prophet David Olakintan Okikiola, Pastor Ezekiel Olakintan, Pastor Michael Oluwamoyi, Evangelist Akinmusewe Theophilus Nathaniel, Brother Adeniyi Ogunlaja and Lady Evangelist Blessing Olakintan. Their commitment to balanced gospel teachings and spiritual leadership has guided our church’s growth and impact.



1. Heaven is our focus

2. To reach out to as many that are thirsting for Jesus Christ in the world of all nations

3. To give the living water to the tongues that falleth for thirst (Giving is our priority)

4. To plant churches in all the nations of the world

5. To shine the light of God into darkness in all the world of all nations

6. To build the PRAYER champion in all the departments of the church

7. To let the world know that it’s the finger of God

ISAIAH 41:8-20

WE WILL PURSUE ALL THESE OBJECTIVES UNTIL EVERY NATION IN THE WORLD IS REACH FOR JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD MOTTO: And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John.1.5


Our mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through extraordinary miracles, demonstrations of God’s sovereignty, genuine prophecies, and immediate solutions to various challenges. We bring hope to humanity and restore lives according to Jeremiah 29:11-13 and II Thessalonians 2:16-17, with a focus on global propagation of the true gospel accompanied by signs and wonders

Our Core Values 

“At Mountain Of Canaan Land Bible Church Of God International , our core values define who we are and guide everything we do. Through prophetic insights, divine solutions, and fervent prayers, we embody a commitment to prophecies for individuals and nations, bringing divine solutions to all challenges, and reaching spiritual heights through fervent prayers with supplications. These values underpin our mission to spread the true gospel and make a positive impact on lives around the world.”

Prophetic Ministry to Individuals and Nations Divine Solutions for All Afflictions Demonstrating Agape Love Discipleship and Salvation “Through our prophetic ministry, we bridge the gap between individuals and nations, delivering messages of divine guidance, clarity, and hope. Wisdom Church of Christ International serves as a vessel for God’s voice, offering insights that transcend boundaries, inspiring transformation, and illuminating the path to a brighter future.” OUR IMPACT Mountain Of Canaan Land Bible Church Of God International’s impact extends beyond our congregation. From hosting revivals and crusades to engaging in community service and missions, we strive to make a positive difference in the lives of those we touch. We believe that through our dedication to the true gospel, we can bring light to the world and create a lasting impact. As you journey through our church, we invite you to explore the transformative power of the gospel, connect with our vibrant community, and experience the love of Christ that fuels our mission. Join us on this path of faith, hope, and love as we continue to spread God’s word and make a difference in the lives of individuals and nations.

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