Beloved, always remember that Age is coming like a thief to take it away.

Age will take away what?

1. Your beauty

2. Your strength

3. Your pride.

4. Your intelligence

5. Your intellect

6. Your Hussle

7. Your arrogance, radicalism & hooliganism.

8. Your appetite: your tongue will loose taste and your teeth will loose strength.

9. Your desire for worldly pleasures.

10. Your political thuggery and violence.

11. Your sound health.

12. Your fighting/boxing/wrestling skills.

13. Your taste for fashion.

14. Your professionalism.

15. Your political relevance/god- fatherism.

16. Your wickedness.

17. Your physical weight/stature.

18. Your fraudulent & scandalous lifestyle.

19. Your position in Church/mosque/secular organization.

20. You are free to add other things.


What lessons can we learn from this brief exhortation?

*You need to spend your youthful life wisely by setting GOD as your priority.*


” Remember now your creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, “I have no pleasure in them”.


*No man can wrestle with age, he is a world heavy weight champion that no man can defeat in life.*

The only One that has power over age is GOD. He has the power to increase or reduce the age of man. Therefore, serve GOD diligently with everything in you right from days of your youth.


Have a blessed day.

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